In this series, you will develop foundations in flight control methods and application. Content will include classical and modern techniques with coded examples.
Learn the history of autopilot development, from early mechanical systems to digital fly-by-wire, and how the latter opened the door for new performance and robustness in aerospace systems.
Learn how simple proportional feedback control effectively mitigates atmospheric disturbances to maintain trimmed flight.
Learn how proportional feedback on angular rates improves closed loop transient response for even more effective disturbance rejection.
Learn a proportional-integral pitch rate tracking control architecture, its tuning, and the effect on a transport aircraft.
Learn an acceleration control architecture, its state space form, the nonminimum phase response, tuning tradeoffs, and its application to low and high maneuverability platforms.
Learn fundamentals automatic of landing guidance and control including what's coming up in future lessons in this series.
Learn how lead compensation improves the pitch angle tracking response of a transport aircraft.
Learn how to control aircraft airspeed, compensate for a slow engine response, and the effect of lead compensation in the feedback loop on robustness.
Learn how airspeed, glide slope, and pitch angle control loops are applied to the longitudinal dynamics of an aircraft to enable command tracking of glide path.
Learn how airspeed, pitch angle, and flare path control loops are applied to the longitudinal dynamics of an aircraft to control the rate of descent for safe touchdown.
Learn the importance of aircraft trim in flight control and autopilot development.